About the event
Our fundraising event is aimed at supporting the victims of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia.
Thousands of Ukrainian defenders and civilians have suffered devastating physical and mental injuries as a result of the conflict. Our mission is to help these individuals regain their quality of life by providing them with patient-specific titanium implants and specialized surgical procedures.
The use of titanium implants is crucial in this situation, as they offer several advantages over other materials. They are biocompatible, lightweight, and strong, which makes them ideal for use in medical implants. Additionally, they have excellent corrosion resistance, which is essential in ensuring long-term implant stability and longevity.
The specialized surgical procedures required for the successful placement of these implants will be carried out by experienced medical professionals who are committed to providing the best possible care for their patients. Our fundraising event will help to cover the costs of these procedures and the manufacture of titanium implants. We aim to make this life-changing treatment available to as many people as we can.
Your support and contributions will make a tangible difference in the lives of Ukrainians who are physically impacted by war conflict. By joining us in our mission, you will help to create a brighter future for those who have suffered so much.
About the event
Our fundraising event is aimed at supporting the victims of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia.
Thousands of Ukrainian defenders and civilians have suffered devastating physical and mental injuries as a result of the conflict. Our mission is to help these individuals regain their quality of life by providing them with patient-specific titanium implants and specialized surgical procedures.
The use of titanium implants is crucial in this situation, as they offer several advantages over other materials. They are biocompatible, lightweight, and strong, which makes them ideal for use in medical implants. Additionally, they have excellent corrosion resistance, which is essential in ensuring long-term implant stability and longevity.
About the company
The profound expertise of our team, deep understanding of all business aspects, ideal knowledge of processes will help to deal with various issues.
We create unique and innovative solutions for our customers along with the high-quality support services and personal approach to any case. Feel free to entrust your business to our experts, and you’ll see the difference!
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About the event
Our fundraising event is aimed at supporting the victims of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by russia.
Doors open
Welcome drinks/snacks, networking.
Alongside activities: Ukrainian artists play music on the piano, flute, and cello. War posters, corner with titan implants
Event starts
Fireside dialog: Dutch and Ukrainian prominent speakers
Project presentation
We begin the design process with well-thought-out strategic planning. Our specialist will define your specific business objectives, organize the content so that to meet the needs of your potential clients, visitors, or buyers.
Networking, music, alongside activities
Networking, music, alongside activities
About the event
Our fundraising event is aimed at supporting the victims of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by russia.
7 березня 2023 о 19:00
Брендовий подкаст як ефективний PR канал
Альона Горбатко, PR Specialist в MacPaw
Що таке брендовий подкаст, чим він відрізняється від інших подкастів та як створити такий, який буде одночасно цікавим і ефективним.
На прикладі нового подкасту Ahead of Its Time від Setapp ми розглянемо стратегію створення брендового подкасту для англомовної аудиторії, зокрема вибір цілей, формату, теми, ведучого, а також вузаульну складову.
Крім того, ми обговоримо просування подкасту через різні канали та методи вимірювання успіху вашого проєкту.
● Під час лекції ви дізнаєтесь, як власний брендовий подкаст може бути PR каналом. Які результати можна очікувати від його запуску.● Покроково розберемо підготовку та запуск подкасту. Розберемо, хто з команди має бути залучений у створення подкасту. ● Після лекції ви отримаєте запис, який можна переглянути в зручний час, чеклист для створення власного подкасту, план релізу подкасту, список необхідних сервісів для роботи з подкастами.
Чи будуть роздаткові матеріали?
Чи буде запис лекції?
Анна ЯковенкоАдміністраторка школиМожна писати за ніком @yako_anna